GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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The Middle School Drama Club Presents...

Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka follows enigmatic candy manufacturer, Willy Wonka, as he stages a contest by hiding golden tickets in five of his scrumptious candy bars. Whomever comes up with these tickets will win a free tour of the Wonka factory, as well as a lifetime supply of candy. Four of the five winning children are insufferable brats: the fifth is a likeable young lad named Charlie Bucket, who takes the tour in the company of his equally amiable grandfather. The children must learn to follow Mr. Wonka's rules in the factory... or suffer the consequences.

CAST LIST for Willy Wonka

*=denotes multiple parts


Eugenie Adams '28

Bella Alexander '30

Sonam Banga '30

Anika Bhuyan '30

Bella Burnett '28

Freia Carlsson '30

Anaya Chambliss '28

Brynlee Davis '30

Titian Dawe '29

Cullen DiFranco '29

Francesca Ellam '30*

Alexis Feinman '29*

Elyse Garretson '30*

Abe Genkin '28

Simran Kamal-Bahl '28

Maddie Kilkenny '29

Lucia Kraynyak '30*

Susannah Lenkowsky '30

Eliana Leorda Bejan '30

Jia Levin '30

D’Arcy Moffitt '28

Neve Munz '30

Annabelle Mutschler '30

Amara Nadiga '29

Sam Neuman '29

Maya Patwardhan '28

Madeline Rutt '30

Anshul Shah '28

Kaitlyn Simpson '30

Grace Vaccaro '30*

Brayden White '28



Violet Betesh-Koslowski '28

Bella Burnett '28

Maddy Donches '24

Emma Eisenberg '29

Abby Greene '28

Jayden Johnson '26

Alexis Feinman '29

Simran Kamal-Bahl '28



Thomas Bialas '26

Robbie Boudreau '26

Elias Chernoff  '25

Aubrey Daniel '26

Billy Dawe '28

Maddy Donches '24

Alex Hochhold '28

Grace Hellebusch '28

Alex Gulati '30

Jayden Johnson '26

Kevin Knebel '26

Jacob Malenbaum '27

Ki Robinson '28

Ana Miller '26

Tanvi Mishra '30

Ben Moyer '26

Aaron Sass '28

Arjun Sood '25

Chase Winter '27

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